Ed's 'cut out and colour' nativity scene |
I am not normally one to talk
about religion as we got off to a bad start when I was younger and the main
thing that comes to my mind when thinking of religion is conflict. Most wars I
know of have a difference of religion somewhere in their conception and every
Sunday was a war zone when I was growing up. I was the sulky, slouchy teen who
was dragged to mass every Sunday with ‘that look’ on her face, right up until
the weekend I turned 18. I don’t think it is a surprise that neither my brother
or I married Catholics or even got married in a church. I have also yet to meet
anyone who is impressed with my GCSE in religious studies, so I have no problem
with religion having no place in French state schools.
However, this does mean Ed has no
experience of a nativity play or carol singing, although I know not everyone
gets to star in their school nativity play. If my memory serves me correctly
the short, fat, dumpy kid never gets to play Mary, whereas long legged, slim
and pretty Lisa and Lara were always the stars at our primary school. At least
being educated in France we have saved Ed from the trauma of nativity play
disappointment. No nativity play also means there is no need for French parents
to bribe the teachers into giving their little darling the best part, something
I read happens a lot in the UK.
When Ed was younger we would read
him the children’s versions of the nativity story and he really enjoyed the
‘cut out and colour your own nativity scene’ craft book that then graced our
coffee table for many years, but I will admit Christmas has now become a
holiday where he expects to be indulged by doting grandparents.
This year some good friends
invited us to an English carol service being held here in France. To avoid the
sulky teen act I remember so well it was Ed’s call whether we went or not, and
go we did. The nine short lessons refreshed my memory of the nativity events
and held his interest throughout. The nine carols, some we knew, some were new
to us, were all sung to the best of our ability and enjoyed. As each reading
introduced a character in the nativity, a slice of cake with a candle was added
to a plate and anyone using cake to illustrate a point has my attention 100%.
One lesson told of Joseph’s reluctance upon initially hearing his fiancée was
with child that wasn’t his and I heard a lovely story this week about another
reluctant Joseph.
A little boy at nursery school
was playing the role of Joseph, but despite landing the lead role in his first
nativity, all was not well. Our young star was disappointed as he had his heart
set on the part of Mary. The reason was a simple one; Mary got to hold the
baby! Why in these days of equality and political-correctness does Joseph not
get to do his bit of baby holding too? Nursery/primary teachers please take
note; you may just make some little boys very happy. Even ten years ago we
never set gender boundaries on Ed’s playtime and he was as happy to dress up in
Cinderella shoes or be a fairy with wings as he was being a soldier, policeman
or pirate. If he had been in a nativity play I’m sure he would have been as
happy playing Mary as any of the other parts and why not? More equality and
less conflict can only be a good thing.
The carol service we attended was
a great example of equality; being held in France, but in English and with a
mixed French/English audience. It was a good evening out, with mulled wine and
mince pies served afterwards, as well as being very good for Ed’s religious
education too.