
Sunday, May 15, 2016

National Epilepsy Week 15th to 21st May 2016

French Village Diaries National Epilepsy Week 2016
National Epilepsy Week 2016

Today marks the start of National Epilepsy Week in the UK, where 600,000 people suffer from epilepsy. This week, Epilepsy Action want to get as many people as possible talking about epilepsy, something I have only recently felt happy about doing. You can read my story here. Today I'm talking about first aid for epilepsy, so would you know what to do if you witnessed someone having a seizure?

Like Adrian experienced, one minute you are talking to someone, then you get back to what you were doing and the next time you glance up, they are face down on the ground, twitching and unresponsive. What next?

In a way, I was lucky. I was out of it. I didn’t get that stomach churning moment of panic. It wasn’t me who was shouting my loved ones name and getting no response. It wasn’t me who had to think quickly, find help and then be there to support, explain and pick up the pieces after the event. He said it was one of the most frightening moments of his life.

Shock, panic and adrenalin will try to take over, but you are more likely to be calm and thinking clearly if you are prepared. Thanks to the Epilepsy Action website, here is a handy guide that I hope you’ll never have to use, but one day might come in useful.

French Village Diaries National Epilepsy Week 2016
My medical alert bracelet


Protect the person from injury - (remove harmful objects from nearby)
Cushion their head
Look for an epilepsy identity card or identity jewellery
Aid breathing by gently placing them in the recovery position once the seizure has finished (see pictures)
Stay with the person until recovery is complete
Be calmly reassuring


Restrain the person’s movements
Put anything in the person’s mouth
Try to move them unless they are in danger
Give them anything to eat or drink until they are fully recovered
Attempt to bring them round

Call for an ambulance if...

You know it is the person’s first seizure, or
The seizure continues for more than five minutes, or
One tonic-clonic seizure follows another without the person regaining consciousness between seizures, or
The person is injured during the seizure, or
You believe the person needs urgent medical attention

Please feel free to share this post with your friends. The more people who are aware of what to do and what not to do when someone is having a seizure, the better.

If you have found this useful, please think about making a donation to Epilepsy Action to help them support those with epilepsy and their families. Adrian and I are delighted to have raised £283 so far via our JustGiving page and even if it is only the price of a cup of coffee, every little you can give helps.

French Village Diaries National Epilepsy Week 2016

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