
Friday, October 16, 2015

Book review of Love and Justice by Diana Morgan-Hill

My review today is for Love and Justice a memoir by Diana Morgan-Hill.

French Village Diaries book review Love and Justice Diana Morgan-Hill
Love and Justice
This is not a memoir about a new life in France, but an honest account of recovery and coping following life-changing seconds that forced a new and challenging life upon Diana. France does make more than one appearance as an important location in her life, plus as I met Diana in France (see here) I felt I had to share her remarkable story with you.

Diana writes with honesty and (believe it or not) humour about the accident that took her from a tall, leggy, high-flying businesswoman to a vulnerable victim coming to terms with losing both her legs; a train in a station, a passenger in a hurry, an inattentive guard, a life changed forever.

There is despair, pain (both physical and emotional), but more than anything there is bucket loads of determination that showed she may have lost her legs, but there was still a lot of life left in her.

Following the accident, there was much more for Diana to cope with than just coming to terms with the physical changes. There was the prejudice she encountered as a wheelchair user, the guilt she felt at the grief and suffering she caused her loved ones by being in the wrong place at the wrong time and having worked in the TV industry where image is everything, her career was unexpectedly in danger too. Diana showed that you don’t know how deep your reserves are until you have to dredge right to the bottom. What I found the most disturbing was the way she was treated by the legal teams. Unfair doesn’t even come close.

Then there are the positives, the love she felt from those around her, even when they didn’t always know the right thing to say, but supported her by being with her and the experiences that she has had in the last twenty years that outweigh the what-ifs and lost opportunities. This is not an easy to book to read in places but it is a story that will stick in your head for a long time.

Love and Justice is available in ebook and paperback format and is published by Blackbird Digital Books. Amazon links can be found below. 

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