
Monday, February 8, 2016

Celebrating the feast of Saint Jacqueline

French Village Diaries frangipani Saint Jacqueline
Saint Jacqueline and the frangipani slice

I think I have reaffirmed the belief that I am the ‘slightly bonkers English lady’ in the village on my trip to the boulangerie today. I am not usually to be found buying cakes on a Monday, as a Sunday is my day to indulge, so the boulanger was a little surprised at my request of a frangipani slice this morning.

“You’re being a little greedy today” he joked with a smile.

“Aah, I’m celebrating, it’s the feast of Ste Jacqueline today” I replied.

His blank look meant that although he (and his wife) may make the most flakiest puff pastry, filled with the most delicious almond frangipani; that shatters and comforts with each bite, he is a bit lacking in the history of the frangipani. 

I explained that Saint Jacqueline was born in 12th Century Rome; she married Gratien Frangipani and was quite an accomplished baker of almond cakes. These cakes, called Frangipani after the family name, were given to the poor, the unhappy and the rich and also bundled into her little chariot to be handed to the other pilgrims she met on her annual pilgrimage walk to Santiago de Compostela in Spain. What a lovely lady she was. 

I have to admit to having had a bit of a love/hate relationship with my name when I was growing up. Primary school writing was much harder for me than my friend Emma, but funnily enough I’ve always had a thing for sweet almond desserts. I’m also fascinated (and very tempted) with the Chemins de Saint Jacques, the French routes to Santiago de Compostela that pass very close to where we live. I am no saint, but Ste Jacqueline and I are obviously kindred spirits.

I then went on to say that it is the law that all those named Jacqueline must eat frangipani today in celebration.

“Oh, really” he said. “That is an English custom is it?”

“Aah, no, actually it’s just in my head, but I think it should be the law!”

So, if you are called Jacqueline, or you know someone who is, please spread the word and indulge in frangipani today. It certainly brightened up my morning coffee and would make Saint Jacqueline and me very happy indeed.


  1. I am a Jacqueline and love this silly story.

  2. My name is Jacqueline. I am so happy my name is a saint name. Love the story.

  3. My name is also Jacqueline (thanks to a french canadian mother)...I too felt the pain of trying to write out that horribly long name on the first day of school.

    1. It felt so unfair! Our son is Edward, but we enrolled him at nursery as Eddy, just so it was easier to spell!

  4. I too am Jacqueline, sat in lock down in Leeds going back to relearning French for something to do. I was just looking up if there was a Saint Jacqueline and found your story I shall have two birthdays this year!🎉🎉

    1. Happy to share her story with another Jacqueline. Stay safe in lockdown!

  5. I am a Jacqueline and loved reading this story.

  6. I am Jacqueline and was looking if there was a Saint for my name and Voila! Thank you for the amusing story and to me everyday is a good day to have cake! Cheers to all my fellow Jacquelines out there. Salute!

  7. Another Jacqueline here and I didn’t even know we had a saint until today! Kindred spirits already.

  8. Loved your story about St. Jacqueline. I chose the name Jacqueline, after St. Jacqueline for my confirmation name. I am going to do some research to see if I can find a recipe for the almond cakes. I feel as though I must bake these cakes and give then out to my neighbors and friends. Happy Holidays! from Sugar Land, Texas.

  9. Oooh my! Thank you so much. I am a stunch Catholic and my name is Jacqueline and I used to see on the calendar that my feast day is 8th February but I have been itchy to know who this st. Jacqueline was. Now am so blessed with your story. Thanks again.

  10. I love your story. My twinsisters name is Jacqueline and I am Teresa(after mother teresa). My twinsister Jacqueline loves sweets, so again, thank you for this story!!

  11. My name is Jacqueline too and this story made my heart smile ♥

  12. Just read this. Love it! I'm Jacqueline as well and a baker

  13. I am Tanzanian, me too I am Jacqueline. Very pleased to read this story.Thank you

  14. My Mum never gave me a second name as she thought the name Jacqueline would be hard enough for me to learn! I've never forgiven her as all my school friends had a second name ��

  15. My name is Jacquelyn but I will claim St. Jacqueline as flesh and blood. What's more, is I love almonds... and I live along the route of St. Jacques in France. I can't believe I didn't learn about this sister saint till today!


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