
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Silent Sunday

Welcome to the first Sunday of 2013, my first Silent Sunday post (less words, more pictures), and my Mum's birthday too. Here are a selection of photos from our week.

This week has been Project Kitchen and here is the new look tidy and organised kitchen - long may it last

Clearing out unearths old treasures!

The Basingstoke Canal, Surrey - a regular dog walk spot for us when in UK

January views when dog walking in France

A Truckle of Cheddar from UK

I love my food and it loves me too!

Willow was happy to have us home and snuggle

While we were away our ducks started laying again

There is no stopping them all, goose, ducks and chickens


  1. I did think to make a silent comment but love the photos!

    1. Thanks Richard and I'm glad the comments are working for you!


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