Welcome to ‘France et Moi’ where I’m talking to author
Susie Kelly about what France means to her.

First question, I think France is a special place and
it is famed for many things including its cheese, wine and diverse holiday
locations plus, dare I say it strikes and dog poo littered streets. What do you
think makes France so very unique and ‘French’?
Susie: To me it's the enormous diversity that makes
France so special. So many regions each with its particular culture, customs,
cuisine and landscape, and yet all part of the same country. And the way they
drive. That's very curious.
2) What is your fondest memory of time spent in
Susie: Having lived here for over seventeen years
there have been so many wonderful moments, but I think the one that most
touched me was the first time one of our French neighbours came and asked if I
would look after their dog while they went on holiday. It made me feel as if I
had been accepted into the community.
3) Having lived in France and spoken French for many
years do you have any top tips for my readers on how to learn French?
Susie: I don't think there's any substitute for
listening to French on the radio, the television, or face to face, and reading.
Once you begin to pick out a word here and there, every so often, you start to
get an idea of what they are talking about. Then you catch a few more words
until you understand progressively more and more. I've learned most by dealing
with builders, plumbers, vets and bureaucrats and especially when I was working
for a company and spent most of my time on the telephone. That really focuses
the mind! Everybody can learn the language to some degree if they want to.
4) Do you have any embarrassing language mishaps you
are happy to share?
Susie: None of my own, but I once heard an Englishman
in a builder's merchants placing an order and asking if they could "baiser
le prix." The shop fell silent and the cashier went rigid with shock.
5) Imagine you are sitting outside a French café at
10.00am on a sunny morning watching the world go by, what do you order from the
Susie: A grande crème and a jalousie smothered in
pecan nuts, like those they used to make at the boulangerie in Montjean.
6) France has many different cheeses do you have any
particular favourite?
Susie: Apart from Epoisses, I don't think there's any
French cheese I don't love. But pushed to choose one, it would probably be an
Ossau Iraty bought direct from a producer in the Pyrenées.
7) Have you ever owned a 2CV? If so do you have fond
memories of your time together – I bet it had a name didn’t it?
Susie: Yes. I had a 30-year-old 2CV called
Tinkerbelle. Her bodywork was blue, her roof red. I didn't discover for a year
how to find the correct gear until a passenger pointed out that there was a
diagram on the dashboard. The floor in front on the driver's side had rusted
away, leaving a gaping hole through which you could watch the road passing by.
I covered it with a floor tile, which worked very well. The webbing on the
front seat gave way one day while I was on a steep hill waiting for the lights
to change. As they did, I found myself sitting in a hole, trying to operate
clutch, brake and accelerator while holding myself up with the steering wheel.
She was a wonderful character, and I so much regret selling her. We named our
camping car Tinkerbelle after her.
8) If money and commitments were no object where in
France would you like to own a property and what sort of place would it be?
Susie: A cottage on a beach in Brittany; an apartment
in Paris; another cottage in the Aspe valley in the Pyrenées, and a holiday home
in the Jura.
9) France has some beautiful cities and there are a
few that constantly battle to be my favourite, what is your favourite French
city and why?
Susie: I'm not really a city person, but I do love
Poitiers. The town center is small and friendly, with a very picturesque
medieval quarter of colombage and cobbles. There are beautiful parks, plenty of
small specialist shops, a range of truly excellent restaurants catering for
every taste and pocket and a superb library. Over the last few years the square
and the area around the Hotel de Ville has been entirely redesigned and
pedestrianised, and all the lovely old trees chopped down, which caused an
outcry at the time. The work has taken several years during which traffic has
been utter chaos and caused great frustration and indignation amongst the
locals. However, having recently seen the result, I think that it works well
and when spring arrives and the new trees come into leaf the square will regain
its popularity.
10) How does France inspire your writing?
Susie: It awakened an interest in history. When
travelling around the country I found that looking at and visiting old
buildings made me want to know what had happened in them and which historic
figures had been there. Old buildings per se do not interest me. It is their
history and its effect that fascinates me and which I enjoy researching and
writing about.
Finally, do you have any current projects you would
like to tell my readers about?
Susie: I have three non-fiction and one fiction work
in progress. Only one is specifically French, but I'm not ready to talk about
it yet. Please ask me again in a year. ☺
Thank you for taking the time to answer some questions
about France and you.
Susie: It's been a pleasure, Jacqui. Thank you for
asking me.
Thanks Susie and Jacqui for starting my day off on the right foot - but of course I will spend the rest of the morning dreaming about where in France I would live. So many choices...
ReplyDeleteGreat post. Anyone have tips for forming that guttural "r" sound in French? I've had 2 years of the language in school, and I've visited French speaking places like Quebec and Paris, but I don't understand what the heck you're supposed to do to your voice box and tongue to properly formulate words with "r" in them. I have some issues with "r" in English as well but they're not as bad as when I try to speak a foreign language.
pimsleur french