Welcome to ‘France et Moi’
where this week I am talking to writer Fiona Valpy about what France means to
Fiona Valpy |
Fiona is the author of The French for Love
that I reviewed last year (see here) and next week she will be
celebrating the publication of The French for Always
(see here for my review). I thoroughly enjoyed both
of these novels that are set in Bordeaux where Fiona lives, writes and teaches yoga.
Firstly, I think France is a
special place and it is famed for many things including its cheese, wine and
diverse holiday locations plus, dare I say it strikes and dog poo littered
streets. What do you think makes France so very unique and ‘French’?
Fiona: Well stubbornness is certainly an important French
character trait! And that’s meant that they’ve doggedly preserved their
heritage and their values so that there’s still a lovely quality of life here,
which is possibly dying out elsewhere. It’s a country with a very strong and
unique sense of identity, and I think part of its appeal to visitors is that,
just a short hop across the English Channel, you can be immersed in such a
different culture.
2) Before you moved to
France, what is your fondest memory of time spent here?
Fiona: We came on lots of camping holidays when I was a
child. And I spent a summer working on a French campsite as a rep for a British
holiday company, which was hard work, but good fun too; every spare minute was
spent on the beach topping up my tan. But my best memories of all are of my
honeymoon in Burgundy, staying at a wonderful hotel in Puligny-Montrachet with
my husband, enjoying incredible food and wines.
3) Imagine you are sitting
outside a French café at 10.00am on a sunny morning watching the world go by,
what do you order from the waiter?
Fiona: Every Saturday morning we go to our local market and
the highlight is a coffee, sitting under the vaulted arches in the square. I
always order a grand crème.
4) What is your favourite
thing to buy in a Boulangerie/Patisserie?
Fiona: Very conveniently, there’s a boulangerie/patisserie
right next to the café where we buy pastries to accompany our coffees. You
can’t beat the classics: a pain au chocolat, still hot from the oven, is sheer
5) France has many different
cheeses, a silly question, but which French cheese are you? A hard and mature
Tome, a soft, fresh and lively goat cheese, the creamy and rich Camembert or
maybe the salty and serious Roquefort?
Fiona: Oh that’s a GREAT question! I recently went to a
wedding where they had a wedding “cake” made entirely out of cheeses which I
thought was a fab idea. Each layer was a round of a different kind, and perched
on the very top was a heart-shaped Saint Albray, which is a soft white cheese
from Aquitaine, a bit like a Camembert. So I’d like to be a Saint Albray au
lait cru: stronger than I look, but with a very soft heart too!
6) What is your favourite
regional French dish?
Fiona: Hmm, it’s so hard to choose… In the winter,
especially after a day’s skiing, the ultimate comfort food is a delicious,
creamy tartiflette from the mountains; but in the summer I would say half a
dozen oysters from the Atlantic coast, preferably eaten at a shack on the beach
and accompanied by a bottle of chilled Bordeaux Blanc.
7) Best French tipple, and
yes I know there are many to choose from?
Fiona: Well it has to be a wine, of course! I love a crisp,
dry, well-chilled white, sipped outside as the sun goes down. A Sancerre or a
Chablis or, from nearer home, a Graves.
8) How important do you think
it is to match your French wine with your food? Any top matching tips you can
Fiona: Very important, because both the wine and the food
are enhanced, but I don’t think it’s something to be precious about. Some of
the very best pairings are the simplest – a bottle of local vin rouge with a
steak-frites, for example. The fun is experimenting to find which wines bring
out the best in the food. Try a very pale rosé from Provence with a platter of
slices of charcuterie; a coarse farmhouse pâté with a glass of deep red, tannic
Pomerol; and – one of my personal favourites – champagne with chips! They are
all perfect partners.
9) Can you describe your
perfect French apero for us the drink, the nibbles, the location and the
Fiona: A glass of champagne, (my favourite is from a small
organic producer called Benoît Lahaye in Bouzy), served with light-as-air
gruyere gougères, in the garden with my family. The family is the important bit
though: I’d be happy with a glass of water and a packet of crisps, as long as
the people who mean most to me were there.
10) France has some beautiful
cities and there are a few that constantly battle to be my favourite, what is
your favourite French city and why?
Fiona: Our local one, Bordeaux. It’s a lively mix of the old
and the new, with its beautiful architecture and sleek, modern tram system.
Visit the waterfront with its amazing “water pavement” for children (even
grown-up ones!) to play on, as well as the beautiful shops and great
Finally, do you have any
current projects you would like to tell my readers about?
Fiona: I’m hard at work on my next book, which should be
published towards the end of the year. As long as I don’t get too distracted by
food, wine and visitors!
Thank you for taking the time
to answer some questions about France and you.
Fiona: It’s my pleasure Jacqui.