Welcome to ‘France et Moi’ where this week I am talking to
comedian Ian Moore about what France means to him.
Ian lives in the Loire Valley with his wife and three children, is a
regular headliner at London’s famous Comedy Store and has also appeared at the
Edinburgh Festival and Montreal’s Just for Laughs Festival. He describes
himself as almost single-handedly leading the resurgence of all things mod,
although I think Sir Bradley Wiggins might have something to say about that.
His book A la Mod: My So-Called Tranquil Family Life in Rural France.
published by Summersdale is available now.
Firstly, I think France is a special place and it is famed for many
things including its cheese, wine and diverse holiday locations plus, dare I
say it strikes and dog poo littered streets. What do you think makes France so
very unique and ‘French’?
Ian: Quite simply, it’s the people. The French are almost a distinct race in
themselves and possibly the most contrary one at that! Immense pride in their
beautiful country and yet blind to the amount of dog poo covering it for
instance. But in a world of increasing homogeneity they still stand out as
different and that’s to be applauded. In essence they’ve decided what the
important things in life are, food, family, pace, rights, freedom etc and are
prepared to defend those things at all costs even if the institutions and
conventions governing those things are so convoluted they almost work against
the principle they protect!
2) You left the UK with your young son, just like we did, but why did
you choose to move to France?
Ian: The destination was never in doubt. My wife is half French and we’d been
holidaying in the Loire Valley for years with her family. The plan was to
retire here but then we took a very French decision to put ‘quality of life’
above everything else and do it as soon as we could….
3) When you first arrived in France what was the best thing about being
immersed in French life and the scariest thing?
Ian: We very quickly became immersed, or at least Natalie and the children
did. She is fluent in the language, has roots in the area so it wasn’t a
difficult transition for her. I’m trying but I still have to spend half of the
week in England for work – but I love how quickly we all became accepted, part
of the community. It just confirmed that we’d made the right decision. Having
said that we may have been a bit greedy with the property that we bought and
though I wake every morning and ‘survey my estate’ as it were, the sheer scale
of the place and the upkeep for a very non-outdoorsy person is daunting.
4) Do you have any top tips for learning French?
Ian: Don’t bother. Just have enough children and make a special translating
team out of them. I’m joking! My French is good(ish) but I’ve been lazy and
hidden behind Natalie and the boys, so my suggestion would be just dive in,
chat as much as you can because that thing you always hear, “Oh the French,
they hate it when you get the language wrong,” is utter nonsense and they love
a good chat.
5) Do you have any embarrassing language mishaps you are happy to share?
Ian: My job as a stand up comic means that I’m very good at avoiding language
mishaps, unless I directly seek them. My mishaps have all been of the
cheek-kissing/hand shaking minefield. There are no rules apparently, people
just make them up but there are definite no-nos and one that is detailed in the
book still haunts me. I haven’t seen the unfortunate woman since…
6) Do you think the French have a similar sense of humour to the
Ian: No. Quite the opposite. The French for all their erudite sophistication
still cling to the world of slapstick. It’s almost like they take everything
else in life so seriously that only the most childish humour is a good enough
release. Of course the British like slapstick too but not as much as the French,
and if there is one big division in our sense of humour it’s that the British
can laugh at themselves much more easily than the French can. That is the main
reason why there is a tradition of stand up in the UK and not here.
7) Imagine you are sitting outside a French café at 10.00am on a sunny
morning watching the world go by, what do you order from the waiter?
Ian: A Ricard and I’ll surreptitiously nibble off a still warm baguette under
the table.
8) Is there any French food you won’t eat?
Ian: I know this is stereotypical but the only thing I haven’t tried is
Frog’s Legs. My eldest son brought some home as part of a science dissection
homework project once but I’m convinced his teacher was actually just trying to
wind up le rosbif!
9) France has many different cheeses, a silly question, but which French
cheese are you? A hard and mature Tome, a soft, fresh and lively goat cheese,
the creamy and rich Camembert or maybe the salty and serious Roquefort?
Ian: Great question! I live in the home of goats’ cheese so I’m going to stay
local. I’m a versatile goats’ cheese, I can be hard or soft, always well
presented, slightly nutty and excellent with wine.
10) Best French tipple, and yes I know there are many to choose from?
Ian: When you live in a country that has so many great drinks and for all
meals, even breakfast, how do you narrow it down? Anyway, a late night vintage
Armagnac after a long meal and attendant debates with good friends and family.
11) Can you describe your perfect French apero for us: the drink, the
nibbles, the location and the company?
Ian: The apero drink would be a neighboring farmer’s homemade epousses des
pins, a blackthorn concoction that knocks your socks off! The nibbles would be
a warmed fougasse from the boulangerie, either lardons or goats’ cheese and
complimented by some English crisps (the French are light years behind on the
crisp front). The location would be our own terrasse with my beautiful family
and some good friends telling us how jealous they are!
Finally, do you have any current projects you would like to tell my
readers about?
Ian: Apart from the book A la Mod: My So-Called Tranquil Family Life in Rural France.
I am performing stand up all the time so
check out my website. My wife and I are also reopening our own
‘creative’ school next year, so if anyone has any courses they would like to see
in France (writing, painting, needlecraft, book binding etc) check out the Les Champs Creatifs website too.
Thank you for taking the time to answer some questions about France and
You can follow Ian's blog here.
You can follow Ian's blog here.
Loved reading this interview. How wonderful that you and your family made this move. I am envious!
ReplyDeleteThanks Caddy. Life in France was a bug move, is fun, but you do have to have an open mind to make it work!