I have already read a couple of books set on France’s waterways, both of them traveling from the north to the south and on into the Mediterranean, in Three Yorkshiremen in a Boat
Written by Christopher with the
help of the diary Jack kept this is a short, witty account of the trip that has loads
of Jack's great colour photographs too. I enjoyed the style of writing and it was a
quick and easy read that kept me entertained. There is also some useful
information for anyone thinking about making a similar journey, but if you were
I’m sure you would need to do some more research too. For me it was nice to be back
(virtually) travelling in the east of France as it is an area we used to
holiday in frequently before moving to the west of France. I also spent some
time near Maçon on a school French exchange many years ago and one day I really
will get to Lyon in person. Although this was no life changing adventure, it
would be true to say that having returned to the UK none of their lives were
ever quite the same again – but you will have to read the epilogue to find out
Going Bare!
is another holiday account, but of a very different type of holiday. It tells the story of a family's first taste of a naturist resort, written by the husband (whose idea it was). He admits his wife was not too enthusiastic, but was happy enough to give it a try. Their chosen resort was on France's west coast, just south of Bordeaux, so not too far from where we are. Although we have never holidayed in a naturist resort we have thought about it and are happy to spend the day on our local Atlantic coast naturist beaches. For this reason I was quite interested in this book and looking forward to getting some useful information on what goes on and is the 'norm' on resort. I know being naked in public isn't everyone's idea of fun, but it doesn't bother me or Ade, but being stuck in a resort and not knowing the form or what to expect does! It certainly reassured me and it seems so long as you pack large towels that you keep with you at all times (to sit on), everything will be fine. We may just give it a go as there really is nothing quite like the freedom of nudity, especially when swimming.
Please note that although I picked these up for free on Amazon, they may not always be free.
Both of these books are on my to read list now, so thanks for recommending them.